Heritage and Sustainable Future
Making the
Past Come
Solutions for Yesterday's Dwellings
Archaelogy, History, Respect
Our Serivces
Healey Heritage & Architectural designers offer a full suite of Māori & European archaeological services, including assessment & report writing, historical research, GIS, building recording, and artifact analysis. Qualified Section 45 archaeologists with local experience in monitoring and report writing. We have a strong grounding in building recording & surveying, and the production of heritage impact assessments within the framework of the Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act 2014. We have a technological focus on digital capture as mitigation, and are industry leaders in 3D scanning, drone photogrammetry, and post-excavation interpretation and design, with a strong focus on public archaeology and building conservation and architectural design.
Experienced consultants
assisting you in archaeological
and heritage risk assessments