Architectural Design

We offer a range of architectural design services for historic buildings ranging from commercial to residential projects with a focus on adaptive reuse and new traditional & vernacular architectural builds.

Our design philosophy is to always be sympathetic to the environmental setting and the character of heritage buildings. In an age when knowledge and craft in traditional architecture are cheapened by kitsch knockoffs and poor-proportions and a lack of knowledge in detailing, it is reassuring that an architectural designer knows:

    • How to apply entasis to a column; or
    • The difference between astragal and echinus on a Doric capital.

Our designs display creativity and adaptability, whilst engaging the practicalities of both architectural tradition and the complexity of modern construction. Our aim is an architecture that is historically informed, humane and lasting.

Our architectural design services include:

  • Architectural concept design
  • Adaptive re-use and interface design
  • Heritage landscape design and site-specific interpretation
  • Urbanist master planning and site analysis
  • Documentation and drafting
  • Building surveys to produce as-built measured drawings
  • Accurate BIM modelling based on 3D point cloud scanning technology
  • Architectural rendering
  • Resource & Building Consent documentation